Mildly Uninteresting

Routine, repetition, retardation in my life.“All but my fault”, the hymn of denial.Slate, ash, taupe, my thoughts are in strifeAs the gavel bangs in this ceaseless trial. Stayed awake dreaming, but mindlessly asleep,a sliver of aspiration kept me tethered.Memories of when I was unfiltered, unadulterated,but now appeasing the world in a bogus shroud. – Ted


Feeding blue to a world I explored, “Will it always be like this? Hmm…”, I implored. Watching the dew drops dwindle down a dusty doomsday, I stared at the mirror above, “What would mom say?” The fiery breeze, cremated the corpses; The hum of the billions persist, just like mosses. A lonely soul grazing the sole […]